/* printf - format and print data                                               This is the printf utility
   Copyright (C) 1990-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.                       
   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify         
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by         
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or            
   (at your option) any later version.                                          
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               
   GNU General Public License for more details.                                 
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License            
   along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */   The GNUv3 license
/* Usage: printf format [argument...]                                           
   A front end to the printf function that lets it be used from the shell.      
   Backslash escapes:                                                           
   \" = double quote                                                            
   \\ = backslash                                                               
   \a = alert (bell)                                                            
   \b = backspace                                                               
   \c = produce no further output                                               
   \e = escape                                                                  
   \f = form feed                                                               
   \n = new line                                                                
   \r = carriage return                                                         
   \t = horizontal tab                                                          
   \v = vertical tab                                                            
   \ooo = octal number (ooo is 1 to 3 digits)                                   
   \xhh = hexadecimal number (hhh is 1 to 2 digits)                             
   \uhhhh = 16-bit Unicode character (hhhh is 4 digits)                         
   \Uhhhhhhhh = 32-bit Unicode character (hhhhhhhh is 8 digits)                 
   Additional directive:                                                        
   %b = print an argument string, interpreting backslash escapes,               
     except that octal escapes are of the form \0 or \0ooo.                     
   %q = print an argument string in a format that can be                        
     reused as shell input.  Escaped characters used the proposed               
     POSIX $'' syntax supported by most shells.                                 
   The 'format' argument is re-used as many times as necessary                  
   to convert all of the given arguments.                                       
   David MacKenzie <djm@gnu.ai.mit.edu> */                                      
#include <config.h>                                                             Provides system specific information
#include <stdio.h>                                                              Provides standard I/O capability
#include <sys/types.h>                                                          Provides system data types
#include "system.h"                                                             ...!includes auto-comment...
#include "c-strtod.h"                                                           ...!includes auto-comment...
#include "die.h"                                                                ...!includes auto-comment...
#include "error.h"                                                              ...!includes auto-comment...
#include "quote.h"                                                              ...!includes auto-comment...
#include "unicodeio.h"                                                          ...!includes auto-comment...
#include "xprintf.h"                                                            ...!includes auto-comment...
/* The official name of this program (e.g., no 'g' prefix).  */                 
#define PROGRAM_NAME "printf"                                                   Line 66
#define AUTHORS proper_name ("David MacKenzie")                                 Line 68
#define isodigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '7')                                  Line 70
#define hextobin(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f' ? (c) - 'a' + 10 : \              Line 71
                     (c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F' ? (c) - 'A' + 10 : (c) - '0')     Line 72
#define octtobin(c) ((c) - '0')                                                 Line 73
/* The value to return to the calling program.  */                              
static int exit_status;                                                         Line 76
/* True if the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable is set.  */                 
static bool posixly_correct;                                                    Line 79
/* This message appears in N_() here rather than just in _() below because      
   the sole use would have been in a #define.  */                               
static char const *const cfcc_msg =                                             Line 83
 N_("warning: %s: character(s) following character constant have been ignored");Line 84
void                                                                            Line 86
usage (int status)                                                              Line 87
  if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS)                                                   Line 89
    emit_try_help ();                                                           ...!common auto-comment...
  else                                                                          Line 91
      printf (_("\                                                              Line 93
Usage: %s FORMAT [ARGUMENT]...\n\                                               Line 94
  or:  %s OPTION\n\                                                             Line 95
"),                                                                             Line 96
              program_name, program_name);                                      Line 97
      fputs (_("\                                                               Line 98
Print ARGUMENT(s) according to FORMAT, or execute according to OPTION:\n\       Line 99
"), stdout);                                                                    Line 101
      fputs (HELP_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);                                  Line 102
      fputs (VERSION_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);                               Line 103
      fputs (_("\                                                               Line 104
FORMAT controls the output as in C printf.  Interpreted sequences are:\n\       Line 106
  \\\"      double quote\n\                                                     Line 108
"), stdout);                                                                    Line 109
      fputs (_("\                                                               Line 110
  \\\\      backslash\n\                                                        Line 111
  \\a      alert (BEL)\n\                                                       Line 112
  \\b      backspace\n\                                                         Line 113
  \\c      produce no further output\n\                                         Line 114
  \\e      escape\n\                                                            Line 115
  \\f      form feed\n\                                                         Line 116
  \\n      new line\n\                                                          Line 117
  \\r      carriage return\n\                                                   Line 118
  \\t      horizontal tab\n\                                                    Line 119
  \\v      vertical tab\n\                                                      Line 120
"), stdout);                                                                    Line 121
      fputs (_("\                                                               Line 122
  \\NNN    byte with octal value NNN (1 to 3 digits)\n\                         Line 123
  \\xHH    byte with hexadecimal value HH (1 to 2 digits)\n\                    Line 124
  \\uHHHH  Unicode (ISO/IEC 10646) character with hex value HHHH (4 digits)\n\  Line 125
  \\UHHHHHHHH  Unicode character with hex value HHHHHHHH (8 digits)\n\          Line 126
"), stdout);                                                                    Line 127
      fputs (_("\                                                               Line 128
  %%      a single %\n\                                                         Line 129
  %b      ARGUMENT as a string with '\\' escapes interpreted,\n\                Line 130
          except that octal escapes are of the form \\0 or \\0NNN\n\            Line 131
  %q      ARGUMENT is printed in a format that can be reused as shell input,\n\ Line 132
          escaping non-printable characters with the proposed POSIX $'' syntax.\Line 133
\n\n\                                                                           Line 134
and all C format specifications ending with one of diouxXfeEgGcs, with\n\       Line 135
ARGUMENTs converted to proper type first.  Variable widths are handled.\n\      Line 136
"), stdout);                                                                    Line 137
      printf (USAGE_BUILTIN_WARNING, PROGRAM_NAME);                             Line 138
      emit_ancillary_info (PROGRAM_NAME);                                       Line 139
  exit (status);                                                                Line 141
}                                                                               Block 1
static void                                                                     Line 144
verify_numeric (const char *s, const char *end)                                 Line 145
  if (errno)                                                                    Line 147
      error (0, errno, "%s", quote (s));                                        Line 149
      exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE;                                               Line 150
  else if (*end)                                                                Line 152
      if (s == end)                                                             Line 154
        error (0, 0, _("%s: expected a numeric value"), quote (s));             Line 155
      else                                                                      Line 156
        error (0, 0, _("%s: value not completely converted"), quote (s));       Line 157
      exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE;                                               Line 158
}                                                                               Block 2
#define STRTOX(TYPE, FUNC_NAME, LIB_FUNC_EXPR)     \                            Line 162
static TYPE         \                                                           Line 163
FUNC_NAME (char const *s)       \                                               Line 164
{          \                                                                    Line 165
  char *end;         \                                                          Line 166
  TYPE val;         \                                                           Line 167
  if ((*s == '\"' || *s == '\'') && *(s + 1))     \                             Line 169
    {          \                                                                Line 170
      unsigned char ch = *++s;       \                                          Line 171
      val = ch;         \                                                       Line 172
      /* If POSIXLY_CORRECT is not set, then give a warning that there  \       
         are characters following the character constant and that GNU  \        
         printf is ignoring those characters.  If POSIXLY_CORRECT *is*  \       
         set, then don't give the warning.  */     \                            Line 176
      if (*++s != 0 && !posixly_correct)     \                                  Line 177
        error (0, 0, _(cfcc_msg), s);      \                                    Line 178
    }          \                                                                Line 179
  else          \                                                               Line 180
    {          \                                                                Line 181
      errno = 0;        \                                                       Line 182
      val = (LIB_FUNC_EXPR);       \                                            Line 183
      verify_numeric (s, end);       \                                          Line 184
    }          \                                                                Line 185
  return val;         \                                                         Line 186
}          \                                                                    Line 187Block 3
STRTOX (intmax_t,    vstrtoimax, strtoimax (s, &end, 0))                        Line 189
STRTOX (uintmax_t,   vstrtoumax, strtoumax (s, &end, 0))                        Line 190
STRTOX (long double, vstrtold,   c_strtold (s, &end))                           Line 191
/* Output a single-character \ escape.  */                                      
static void                                                                     Line 195
print_esc_char (char c)                                                         Line 196
  switch (c)                                                                    Line 198
    case 'a':   /* Alert. */                                                    Line 200
      putchar ('\a');                                                           Line 201
      break;                                                                    Line 202
    case 'b':   /* Backspace. */                                                Line 203
      putchar ('\b');                                                           Line 204
      break;                                                                    Line 205
    case 'c':   /* Cancel the rest of the output. */                            Line 206
      exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);                                                      Line 207
      break;                                                                    Line 208
    case 'e':   /* Escape. */                                                   Line 209
      putchar ('\x1B');                                                         Line 210
      break;                                                                    Line 211
    case 'f':   /* Form feed. */                                                Line 212
      putchar ('\f');                                                           Line 213
      break;                                                                    Line 214
    case 'n':   /* New line. */                                                 Line 215
      putchar ('\n');                                                           Line 216
      break;                                                                    Line 217
    case 'r':   /* Carriage return. */                                          Line 218
      putchar ('\r');                                                           Line 219
      break;                                                                    Line 220
    case 't':   /* Horizontal tab. */                                           Line 221
      putchar ('\t');                                                           Line 222
      break;                                                                    Line 223
    case 'v':   /* Vertical tab. */                                             Line 224
      putchar ('\v');                                                           Line 225
      break;                                                                    Line 226
    default:                                                                    Line 227
      putchar (c);                                                              Line 228
      break;                                                                    Line 229
}                                                                               Block 4
/* Print a \ escape sequence starting at ESCSTART.                              
   Return the number of characters in the escape sequence                       
   besides the backslash.                                                       
   If OCTAL_0 is nonzero, octal escapes are of the form \0ooo, where o          
   is an octal digit; otherwise they are of the form \ooo.  */                  
static int                                                                      Line 239
print_esc (const char *escstart, bool octal_0)                                  Line 240
  const char *p = escstart + 1;                                                 Line 242
  int esc_value = 0;  /* Value of \nnn escape. */                               Line 243
  int esc_length;  /* Length of \nnn escape. */                                 Line 244
  if (*p == 'x')                                                                Line 246
      /* A hexadecimal \xhh escape sequence must have 1 or 2 hex. digits.  */   
      for (esc_length = 0, ++p;                                                 Line 249
           esc_length < 2 && isxdigit (to_uchar (*p));                          Line 250
           ++esc_length, ++p)                                                   Line 251
        esc_value = esc_value * 16 + hextobin (*p);                             Line 252
      if (esc_length == 0)                                                      Line 253
        die (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("missing hexadecimal number in escape"));       Line 254
      putchar (esc_value);                                                      Line 255
  else if (isodigit (*p))                                                       Line 257
      /* Parse \0ooo (if octal_0 && *p == '0') or \ooo (otherwise).             
         Allow \ooo if octal_0 && *p != '0'; this is an undocumented            
         extension to POSIX that is compatible with Bash 2.05b.  */             
      for (esc_length = 0, p += octal_0 && *p == '0';                           Line 262
           esc_length < 3 && isodigit (*p);                                     Line 263
           ++esc_length, ++p)                                                   Line 264
        esc_value = esc_value * 8 + octtobin (*p);                              Line 265
      putchar (esc_value);                                                      Line 266
  else if (*p && strchr ("\"\\abcefnrtv", *p))                                  Line 268
    print_esc_char (*p++);                                                      Line 269
  else if (*p == 'u' || *p == 'U')                                              Line 270
      char esc_char = *p;                                                       Line 272
      unsigned int uni_value;                                                   Line 273
      uni_value = 0;                                                            Line 275
      for (esc_length = (esc_char == 'u' ? 4 : 8), ++p;                         Line 276
           esc_length > 0;                                                      Line 277
           --esc_length, ++p)                                                   Line 278
          if (! isxdigit (to_uchar (*p)))                                       Line 280
            die (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("missing hexadecimal number in escape"));   Line 281
          uni_value = uni_value * 16 + hextobin (*p);                           Line 282
      /* A universal character name shall not specify a character short         
         identifier in the range 00000000 through 00000020, 0000007F through    
         0000009F, or 0000D800 through 0000DFFF inclusive. A universal          
         character name shall not designate a character in the required         
         character set.  */                                                     
      if ((uni_value <= 0x9f                                                    Line 290
           && uni_value != 0x24 && uni_value != 0x40 && uni_value != 0x60)      Line 291
          || (uni_value >= 0xd800 && uni_value <= 0xdfff))                      Line 292
        die (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("invalid universal character name \\%c%0*x"),   Line 293
             esc_char, (esc_char == 'u' ? 4 : 8), uni_value);                   Line 294
      print_unicode_char (stdout, uni_value, 0);                                Line 296
  else                                                                          Line 298
      putchar ('\\');                                                           Line 300
      if (*p)                                                                   Line 301
          putchar (*p);                                                         Line 303
          p++;                                                                  Line 304
  return p - escstart - 1;                                                      Line 307
}                                                                               Block 5
/* Print string STR, evaluating \ escapes. */                                   
static void                                                                     Line 312
print_esc_string (const char *str)                                              Line 313
  for (; *str; str++)                                                           Line 315
    if (*str == '\\')                                                           Line 316
      str += print_esc (str, true);                                             Line 317
    else                                                                        Line 318
      putchar (*str);                                                           Line 319
}                                                                               Block 6
/* Evaluate a printf conversion specification.  START is the start of           
   the directive, LENGTH is its length, and CONVERSION specifies the            
   type of conversion.  LENGTH does not include any length modifier or          
   the conversion specifier itself.  FIELD_WIDTH and PRECISION are the          
   field width and precision for '*' values, if HAVE_FIELD_WIDTH and            
   HAVE_PRECISION are true, respectively.  ARGUMENT is the argument to          
   be formatted.  */                                                            
static void                                                                     Line 330
print_direc (const char *start, size_t length, char conversion,                 Line 331
             bool have_field_width, int field_width,                            Line 332
             bool have_precision, int precision,                                Line 333
             char const *argument)                                              Line 334
  char *p;  /* Null-terminated copy of % directive. */                          Line 336
  /* Create a null-terminated copy of the % directive, with an                  
     intmax_t-wide length modifier substituted for any existing                 
     integer length modifier.  */                                               
    char *q;                                                                    Line 342
    char const *length_modifier;                                                Line 343
    size_t length_modifier_len;                                                 Line 344
    switch (conversion)                                                         Line 346
      case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X':               Line 348
        length_modifier = PRIdMAX;                                              Line 349
        length_modifier_len = sizeof PRIdMAX - 2;                               Line 350
        break;                                                                  Line 351
      case 'a': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':                                   Line 353
      case 'A': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G':                                   Line 354
        length_modifier = "L";                                                  Line 355
        length_modifier_len = 1;                                                Line 356
        break;                                                                  Line 357
      default:                                                                  Line 359
        length_modifier = start;  /* Any valid pointer will do.  */             Line 360
        length_modifier_len = 0;                                                Line 361
        break;                                                                  Line 362
    p = xmalloc (length + length_modifier_len + 2);                             Line 365
    q = mempcpy (p, start, length);                                             Line 366
    q = mempcpy (q, length_modifier, length_modifier_len);                      Line 367
    *q++ = conversion;                                                          Line 368
    *q = '\0';                                                                  Line 369
  switch (conversion)                                                           Line 372
    case 'd':                                                                   Line 374
    case 'i':                                                                   Line 375
        intmax_t arg = vstrtoimax (argument);                                   Line 377
        if (!have_field_width)                                                  Line 378
            if (!have_precision)                                                Line 380
              xprintf (p, arg);                                                 Line 381
            else                                                                Line 382
              xprintf (p, precision, arg);                                      Line 383
        else                                                                    Line 385
            if (!have_precision)                                                Line 387
              xprintf (p, field_width, arg);                                    Line 388
            else                                                                Line 389
              xprintf (p, field_width, precision, arg);                         Line 390
      break;                                                                    Line 393
    case 'o':                                                                   Line 395
    case 'u':                                                                   Line 396
    case 'x':                                                                   Line 397
    case 'X':                                                                   Line 398
        uintmax_t arg = vstrtoumax (argument);                                  Line 400
        if (!have_field_width)                                                  Line 401
            if (!have_precision)                                                Line 403
              xprintf (p, arg);                                                 Line 404
            else                                                                Line 405
              xprintf (p, precision, arg);                                      Line 406
        else                                                                    Line 408
            if (!have_precision)                                                Line 410
              xprintf (p, field_width, arg);                                    Line 411
            else                                                                Line 412
              xprintf (p, field_width, precision, arg);                         Line 413
      break;                                                                    Line 416
    case 'a':                                                                   Line 418
    case 'A':                                                                   Line 419
    case 'e':                                                                   Line 420
    case 'E':                                                                   Line 421
    case 'f':                                                                   Line 422
    case 'F':                                                                   Line 423
    case 'g':                                                                   Line 424
    case 'G':                                                                   Line 425
        long double arg = vstrtold (argument);                                  Line 427
        if (!have_field_width)                                                  Line 428
            if (!have_precision)                                                Line 430
              xprintf (p, arg);                                                 Line 431
            else                                                                Line 432
              xprintf (p, precision, arg);                                      Line 433
        else                                                                    Line 435
            if (!have_precision)                                                Line 437
              xprintf (p, field_width, arg);                                    Line 438
            else                                                                Line 439
              xprintf (p, field_width, precision, arg);                         Line 440
      break;                                                                    Line 443
    case 'c':                                                                   Line 445
      if (!have_field_width)                                                    Line 446
        xprintf (p, *argument);                                                 Line 447
      else                                                                      Line 448
        xprintf (p, field_width, *argument);                                    Line 449
      break;                                                                    Line 450
    case 's':                                                                   Line 452
      if (!have_field_width)                                                    Line 453
          if (!have_precision)                                                  Line 455
            xprintf (p, argument);                                              Line 456
          else                                                                  Line 457
            xprintf (p, precision, argument);                                   Line 458
      else                                                                      Line 460
          if (!have_precision)                                                  Line 462
            xprintf (p, field_width, argument);                                 Line 463
          else                                                                  Line 464
            xprintf (p, field_width, precision, argument);                      Line 465
      break;                                                                    Line 467
  free (p);                                                                     Line 470
}                                                                               Block 7
/* Print the text in FORMAT, using ARGV (with ARGC elements) for                
   arguments to any '%' directives.                                             
   Return the number of elements of ARGV used.  */                              
static int                                                                      Line 477
print_formatted (const char *format, int argc, char **argv)                     Line 478
  int save_argc = argc;  /* Preserve original value.  */                        Line 480
  const char *f;  /* Pointer into 'format'.  */                                 Line 481
  const char *direc_start; /* Start of % directive.  */                         Line 482
  size_t direc_length;  /* Length of % directive.  */                           Line 483
  bool have_field_width; /* True if FIELD_WIDTH is valid.  */                   Line 484
  int field_width = 0;  /* Arg to first '*'.  */                                Line 485
  bool have_precision;  /* True if PRECISION is valid.  */                      Line 486
  int precision = 0;  /* Arg to second '*'.  */                                 Line 487
  char ok[UCHAR_MAX + 1]; /* ok['x'] is true if %x is allowed.  */              Line 488
  for (f = format; *f; ++f)                                                     Line 490
      switch (*f)                                                               Line 492
        case '%':                                                               Line 494
          direc_start = f++;                                                    Line 495
          direc_length = 1;                                                     Line 496
          have_field_width = have_precision = false;                            Line 497
          if (*f == '%')                                                        Line 498
              putchar ('%');                                                    Line 500
              break;                                                            Line 501
          if (*f == 'b')                                                        Line 503
              /* FIXME: Field width and precision are not supported             
                 for %b, even though POSIX requires it.  */                     
              if (argc > 0)                                                     Line 507
                  print_esc_string (*argv);                                     Line 509
                  ++argv;                                                       Line 510
                  --argc;                                                       Line 511
              break;                                                            Line 513
          if (*f == 'q')                                                        Line 516
              if (argc > 0)                                                     Line 518
                  fputs (quotearg_style (shell_escape_quoting_style, *argv),    Line 520
                         stdout);                                               Line 521
                  ++argv;                                                       Line 522
                  --argc;                                                       Line 523
              break;                                                            Line 525
          memset (ok, 0, sizeof ok);                                            Line 528
          ok['a'] = ok['A'] = ok['c'] = ok['d'] = ok['e'] = ok['E'] =           Line 529
            ok['f'] = ok['F'] = ok['g'] = ok['G'] = ok['i'] = ok['o'] =         Line 530
            ok['s'] = ok['u'] = ok['x'] = ok['X'] = 1;                          Line 531
          for (;; f++, direc_length++)                                          Line 533
            switch (*f)                                                         Line 534
#if (__GLIBC__ == 2 && 2 <= __GLIBC_MINOR__) || 3 <= __GLIBC__                  Line 536
              case 'I':                                                         Line 537
#endif                                                                          Line 538
              case '\'':                                                        Line 539
                ok['a'] = ok['A'] = ok['c'] = ok['e'] = ok['E'] =               Line 540
                  ok['o'] = ok['s'] = ok['x'] = ok['X'] = 0;                    Line 541
                break;                                                          Line 542
              case '-': case '+': case ' ':                                     Line 543
                break;                                                          Line 544
              case '#':                                                         Line 545
                ok['c'] = ok['d'] = ok['i'] = ok['s'] = ok['u'] = 0;            Line 546
                break;                                                          Line 547
              case '0':                                                         Line 548
                ok['c'] = ok['s'] = 0;                                          Line 549
                break;                                                          Line 550
              default:                                                          Line 551
                goto no_more_flag_characters;                                   Line 552
        no_more_flag_characters:                                                Line 554
          if (*f == '*')                                                        Line 556
              ++f;                                                              Line 558
              ++direc_length;                                                   Line 559
              if (argc > 0)                                                     Line 560
                  intmax_t width = vstrtoimax (*argv);                          Line 562
                  if (INT_MIN <= width && width <= INT_MAX)                     Line 563
                    field_width = width;                                        Line 564
                  else                                                          Line 565
                    die (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("invalid field width: %s"),         Line 566
                         quote (*argv));                                        Line 567
                  ++argv;                                                       Line 568
                  --argc;                                                       Line 569
              else                                                              Line 571
                field_width = 0;                                                Line 572
              have_field_width = true;                                          Line 573
          else                                                                  Line 575
            while (ISDIGIT (*f))                                                Line 576
                ++f;                                                            Line 578
                ++direc_length;                                                 Line 579
          if (*f == '.')                                                        Line 581
              ++f;                                                              Line 583
              ++direc_length;                                                   Line 584
              ok['c'] = 0;                                                      Line 585
              if (*f == '*')                                                    Line 586
                  ++f;                                                          Line 588
                  ++direc_length;                                               Line 589
                  if (argc > 0)                                                 Line 590
                      intmax_t prec = vstrtoimax (*argv);                       Line 592
                      if (prec < 0)                                             Line 593
                          /* A negative precision is taken as if the            
                             precision were omitted, so -1 is safe              
                             here even if prec < INT_MIN.  */                   
                          precision = -1;                                       Line 598
                      else if (INT_MAX < prec)                                  Line 600
                        die (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("invalid precision: %s"),       Line 601
                             quote (*argv));                                    Line 602
                      else                                                      Line 603
                        precision = prec;                                       Line 604
                      ++argv;                                                   Line 605
                      --argc;                                                   Line 606
                  else                                                          Line 608
                    precision = 0;                                              Line 609
                  have_precision = true;                                        Line 610
              else                                                              Line 612
                while (ISDIGIT (*f))                                            Line 613
                    ++f;                                                        Line 615
                    ++direc_length;                                             Line 616
          while (*f == 'l' || *f == 'L' || *f == 'h'                            Line 620
                 || *f == 'j' || *f == 't' || *f == 'z')                        Line 621
            ++f;                                                                Line 622
            unsigned char conversion = *f;                                      Line 625
            if (! ok[conversion])                                               Line 626
              die (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,                                             Line 627
                   _("%.*s: invalid conversion specification"),                 Line 628
                   (int) (f + 1 - direc_start), direc_start);                   Line 629
          print_direc (direc_start, direc_length, *f,                           Line 632
                       have_field_width, field_width,                           Line 633
                       have_precision, precision,                               Line 634
                       (argc <= 0 ? "" : (argc--, *argv++)));                   Line 635
          break;                                                                Line 636
        case '\\':                                                              Line 638
          f += print_esc (f, false);                                            Line 639
          break;                                                                Line 640
        default:                                                                Line 642
          putchar (*f);                                                         Line 643
  return save_argc - argc;                                                      Line 647
}                                                                               Block 8
main (int argc, char **argv)                                                    Line 651
  char *format;                                                                 Line 653
  int args_used;                                                                Line 654
  initialize_main (&argc, &argv);                                               VMS-specific entry point handling wildcard expansion
  set_program_name (argv[0]);                                                   Retains program name and discards path
  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");                                                       Sets up internationalization (i18n)
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);                                          Assigns i18n directorySets text domain for _() [gettext()] function
  textdomain (PACKAGE);                                                         Sets text domain for _() [gettext()] function
  atexit (close_stdout);                                                        Close stdout on exit (see gnulib)
  exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS;                                                   Line 664
  posixly_correct = (getenv ("POSIXLY_CORRECT") != NULL);                       Line 666
  /* We directly parse options, rather than use parse_long_options, in          
     order to avoid accepting abbreviations.  */                                
  if (argc == 2)                                                                Line 670
      if (STREQ (argv[1], "--help"))                                            Line 672
        usage (EXIT_SUCCESS);                                                   Line 673
      if (STREQ (argv[1], "--version"))                                         Line 675
          version_etc (stdout, PROGRAM_NAME, PACKAGE_NAME, Version, AUTHORS,    Line 677
                       (char *) NULL);                                          Line 678
          return EXIT_SUCCESS;                                                  Line 679
  /* The above handles --help and --version.                                    
     Since there is no other invocation of getopt, handle '--' here.  */        
  if (1 < argc && STREQ (argv[1], "--"))                                        Line 685
      --argc;                                                                   Line 687
      ++argv;                                                                   Line 688
  if (argc <= 1)                                                                Line 691
      error (0, 0, _("missing operand"));                                       Line 693
      usage (EXIT_FAILURE);                                                     Line 694
  format = argv[1];                                                             Line 697
  argc -= 2;                                                                    Line 698
  argv += 2;                                                                    Line 699
      args_used = print_formatted (format, argc, argv);                         Line 703
      argc -= args_used;                                                        Line 704
      argv += args_used;                                                        Line 705
  while (args_used > 0 && argc > 0);                                            Line 707
  if (argc > 0)                                                                 Line 709
    error (0, 0,                                                                Line 710
           _("warning: ignoring excess arguments, starting with %s"),           Line 711
           quote (argv[0]));                                                    Line 712
  return exit_status;                                                           Line 714
}                                                                               Block 9