Variable list for DONKEY.BAS (1981) Part of the line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure Original source code: Walkthrough: B% - Center line pixel pattern array for animation offset C1% - Pixel array for the left half of the car C2% - Pixel array for the right half of the car C1X - Temporary left car part pixel array X position C2X - Temporary right car part pixel array X position C1Y - Temporary car part pixel position (for both parts despite the name) CAR% - Entire car graphic pixel array CMD$ - Keyboard input CX - Current player car X position CY - Current player car Y position D1% - Pixel array for the left half of the donkey D2% - Pixel array for the right half of the donkey D1X - Temporary left car part position D2X - Temporary right car part position DNK% - Entire donkey pixel array DX - Current donkey X position I - Generic iterator P - Iterator for the crash sequence SAMPLES$ - Hardcoded trigger for a separate program loader SD - Donkey score SM - Player score Y - Current donkey Y position Z - Vertical offset for car/donkey parts